Deep within us is our centre of pleasure, there lies desire, feeling, longing, sensuality and our ability to moderate pleasure. Also within this space lies shame and the pain of disconnection. Some of us struggle to moderate this relationship with pleasure leading to addictive patterns and some of us shut off from feeling completely, we will be exploring your own unique journey with pleasure.

Often it is felt as ‘indulgent’ and ‘selfish’ to want to feel pleasure… so we push it into the shadow. So how can we give ourselves more permission to feel pleasure? This time of year where there is so much ‘pleasure seeking’ but how much joy & deep pleasure are you really feeling, how much pleasure is allowed in? Do you need to use excess in order to feel and then you are left feeling shame?
This workshop is for you if:
- You want to feel deeply connected to yourself and the world around you
- You tend to seek pleasure in places that hurt you or you get no real joy from
- You find it hard to moderate what you take in: drink, food, sex etc
- You often feel cut off from pleasure and joy
- You have had issues with with addiction
- There is shame and guilt around experiencing pleasure
We will learn about...
- Addiction and Pleasure
- Have you learnt to cut off from pleasure?
- OR how you seek it excessively in painful places?
- How to start to really indulge in true pleasure
- How we numb
- How we inhabit our bodies to feel life move through us
- How we can learn to cultivate a healthy and deep relationship with feeling pleasure…
- How to inhabit the fluidity of our pleasure centre